Right-click or control-click to download:
Download MPEG 4 (desktop/DVD, 147 MB)
Download MPEG 4 (iPhone, 110 MB)
Download Quicktime File (34 MB)
How to Obtain the DVD
You can request a DVD by mailing a note to the Kentucky Environmental
Foundation/DVD, P.O. Box 467, Berea, KY 40403. A ten dollar donation to
Kentucky Environmental Foundation is requested. Please be sure to
provide the complete name and address — typed or printed clearly —
to whom the DVD should be sent. Expect up to 3–4 weeks for delivery.
You can Burn your Own DVD
Another option is to burn your own DVD. The MPEG4 file listed above as desktop/DVD may provide a reasonable quality file to burn a DVD if you have the necessary gear and experience to do so. |
Contaminated Without Consent was produced by Sanford Lewis of Strategic Video for a coalition of science and health based NGOs working to protect people from toxic chemicals, the Chemical Safety Workgroup.
Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Alliance for a Clean and Healthy Maine
Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow (Massachusetts)
Breast Cancer Fund
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
Center for Health, Environment and Justice
Citizens’ Environmental Coalition
Clean New York
Clean Water Action
Coalition for a Safe & Healthy Connecticut
Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice
Environmental Health Fund
Environmental Health Strategy Center
Healthy Child Healthy World
Healthy Legacy Coalition
Institute for Children's Environmental Health
Making Our Milk Safe (MOMS)
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Toxic-Free Legacy Coalition of Washington State
Washington Toxics Coalition